0.0 0.0 2.5 nft1155 0x01FF4d922966F4FaaA5701307e28Bbb4f5cb36A7

경기도 광명시 (AOS랜드 NFT타일) / 38500000 of 38500000

Home / 경기도 광명시 (AOS랜드 NFT타일) / 38500000 of 38500000

20 % of sales will go to creator

0.00001925 WETH ($0.05)

NFT Image - Collection by: @WMH ASIA

AOS 랜드에서 구매할 수 있었던 랜드셀은 NFT가 아니었으나 2024년 5월부터 38.5㎢ 면적의 AOS랜드 광명시를 1㎡ 단위 면적 기준으로 하여 ERC1155 기법으로 38,500,000개의 NFT타일로 민팅하여 실제 거래가 가능하도록 하였습니다. 자세한 사항은 'www.aos.land'를 참조하세요. The land cell that could be purchased in AOS Land was not an NFT, but from May 2024, the 38.5㎢ area of AOS Land Gwangmyeong City will be minted into 38,500,000 NFT Tiles using ERC1155 technology based on the unit area of 1㎡ to enable real transactions. Please refer to 'www.aos.land'.



Put on sale on 5 months ago

Minted 5 months ago


Year created:


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What is a non-fungible token?

A non-fungible token (NFT) is a cryptographic token that represents a unique asset. They function as verifiable proofs of authenticity and ownership within a blockchain network. NFTs are not interchangeable with each other and introduce scarcity to the digital world.

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